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Information & Communications Technology (ICT) in AURIC

Aurangabad Industrial City (AURIC) is one of the first greenfield industrial smart cities that is being developed in the outskirts of Aurangabad City as a part of Central Government’s Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) initiative. AURIC’s development and implementation is being undertaken by Aurangabad Industrial Township Limited (AITL), a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) between Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) and Mumbai Industrial Development Corridor (MIDC). Development for the civil infrastructure works for Phase 1 of this Project i.e. Shendra area of AURIC is under process.
AITL aims to position Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as the key enabler to integrate various functions of city operations along with offering advanced, accessible and affordable services to the resident citizens and workforce. ICT systems are used to describe a wide array of systems and tools which facilitates communication, storing and processing of information. ICT will facilitate AITL to be an efficient and tech-savvy organization that will truly leverage technological interventions for its city operations and pro-active decision making. AITL’s state-of-the-art ICT will be instrumental in development of a digitally connected, citizen engaging and transparent ecosystem for AURIC which will ultimately encourage promotion of sustainable socio-economic growth and development. AITL has completed another milestone of this Project by appointing Honeywell Automation India Limited, in Consortium with CSM Technologies Private Limited and Highbar Technocrat Limited, as the Master System Integrator (MSI) which shall be responsible for implementation and maintenance of ICT
components for AURIC-Shendra.
AURIC will be the first city of its kind that will have published ICT guidelines that will be followed by various agencies including plot holders and telecom service providers.
Smart City ICT Components of AURIC comprise of various systems such as AURIC Control Centre (ACC), Fibre Optic Infrastructure and City Wi-Fi, AURIC e-Governance and ERP (AEE), Surveillance System, Internet of Things (IoT) for Utilities, Multi-Services Digital Kiosks, Environmental Sensors, e-Education and e-Healthcare.
ACC will act as the ‘nerve’ of AURIC that will enable city operations to be intelligent, integrated and efficient through centrally integrated platform. All city infrastructure and systems will be integrated at ACC and will be visualized over a central GIS based platform for real-time monitoring and control. ACC will enable visualizations and analytics of city operations (using big data, predictive and prescriptive analytics etc.) via cross-system integration of various systems. Ultimately, all decision making and response management for day-to-day operations of the city will be undertaken from one common place i.e. ACC.
 AURIC Control Room (ACC) Platform
AURIC will be the first city of its kind that will have an end-to-end fibre optic infrastructure which will act as the backbone in connecting all the city services and operations through an overall fibre-to-the-curb architecture. AITL will also lease this fibre optic infrastructure to telecom service providers ensuring that advanced and affordable wired voice, video and data services are provided at AURIC. With broadband speeds of 4Mbps (per user), AITL also aims to provide affordable, competitive and accessible internet services at all public spaces through Public Wi-Fi as a service.
As part of AURIC e-Governance and ERP (AEE), 100% online state-of-the-art e-Governance system will be implemented to enable paperless delivery of municipal services. By digitizing internal functions and business procedures over Mobile, Web and Portals, AURIC aims to create an intuitive user interface for rendering services to its citizens. With the AEE, AITL will empower the citizens to be a part of the overall governance of AURIC. All e-Governance services for citizens and m-Governance services for AITL workforce will also be available free of charge via City Wi-Fi. A central Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system of AITL will facilitate the automation of back-end AITL’s business processes enabling paperless, efficient and transparent governance along with prompt decision making.

Vision of AURIC is also to position it as ‘safe’ smart city where paramount emphasis is kept on safety of citizens and law enforcement. As part of this vision, IP based video surveillance

CCTV Rendering – Typical Intersection
system is being implemented across all strategic locations inside AURIC-Shendra in order to provide an integrated platform for enabling real time communication between multiple departments responsible for safety and security while creating an interactive response management system. Real time counting and monitoring of traffic flows will also be facilitated as part of Automatic Traffic Counter and Classification (ATCC) mechanism of the city surveillance system.
IoT for utilities will be implemented to improve and automate utility operations as well as reduce any associated leakages. An integrated solid waste management will enable real-time monitoring and back-hauling of bin fill levels to the ACC. Optimized via Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system, entire waste collection operation will be observed through smart analytics like dashboards, trending etc. ICT based system is also being implemented for the sensor enabled water, power and streetlight infrastructure enabling real-time monitoring of the critical infrastructure.
Multi-Services Digital Kiosks comprising of intuitive touch screen will also be a part of this Project which will act as a single point of access for all citizen centric services at AURIC.

Multi Services Digital Kiosk shall be connected to ACC using the fibre optic infrastructure

Kiosks will facilitate citizens to access services like navigation, e-Governance services such as bill payment, emergency communication services and other citizen specific services that can be availed through smart card etc. Real-time monitoring of environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, CO level, particulate matter etc., displayed through digital display screens, and further integrated with the AURIC Control Centre will also be implemented in order to track & maintain AURIC as an environmentally sustainable City.

Fibre optic and public Wi-Fi services will be extended to educational institutes to promote e-Education while proactively monitoring key indicators like teacher-student ratios, teacher information etc. Similarly, e-Healthcare system will enable proactive monitoring of key indicators like occupancy reports, doctor-patient reports, patient-bed ratios etc. Advanced technologies like remote doctor, telepresence, booking appointments in advance, etc. will also be implemented to create an end-to-end ecosystem for offering advanced services to citizens.
The overall ICT architecture of the system has been provided below
With a focus on promoting urban management #AURIC will connect businesses and its residents through the ICT platform

MSI shall be responsible for the complete turnkey of the system which includes the supply, implementation, testing, integration, commissioning, operations and maintenance of the ICT components that are being envisaged as a part of this Project. It is estimated that the Project will be implemented in the period of next twenty (20) months. The structure of the Project also includes comprehensive operation and maintenance of the system for a period of five (5) years from the date of commissioning of the entire system.

What do you think?

Written by Nikhil Bhalerao

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