Notification for Regional Development Authority of Aurangabad Metropolitan Government of Maharashtra, has vide the Government Notification, Urban Development Department issued in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of Article 243-P of the Constitution of India read with clause (c) of section 2 of the said Act, declared a certain area in and around the City of Aurangabad, as specifically described in the Schedule appended to the said Notification, as “the Aurangabad Metropolitan Area.
The Aurangabad Metropolitan Region Development Authority area shall comprise the whole of the area of Aurangabad Municipal Corporation, the whole area of Khultabad Municipal Council, the whole area of the Cantonment Board, Aurangabad Taluka (Part), Khultabad Taluka (Part), Paithan Taluka (Part), Phulambri Taluka (part), Gangapur Taluka (Part), of the Aurangabad District within the followingboundaries, namely:-
East — In Aurarigabad Taluka northern and eastern boundary of Lamkana, eastern boundary of Georai,Khubari, Bangaon, Jaipur, Karmad, Mangrul, Mahamdpur, Ekhalahara, Pimpri Br. eastern and southern boundary of Ambikapur, southern boundary of Shahapur, eastern boundary of Pimpalgaon Pandhari.
West — In Gangapur Taluka Western boundary of Rajura, Malkapur, Boregaon, western and northern boundary of Derda, western boundary of Govindpur, Ranjangaon Pol, Ekduradi Waghalgaon, western and northern boundary of Shahanawajpur, western and northern boundary of Potul, Takaliwadi, western and southern boundary of Pachpirwadi, western boundary of Deoli in Khultabad Taluka western boundary of Kasabkheda, Verul.
South — In Aurangabad Taluka boundary of eastern and southern boundary of Pandhari, southern boundary of Kadarabad, eastern boundary of Bembalwadi, Jodwadi, eastern and southern boundary of Kachaner Tanda, southern boundary of Kachner, in Paithan Taluka, southern boundary of Paregaon, Gazipur, eastern and southern boundary of Nandalgaon, southern boundary of Kaudagaon, Sompuri, Gidhada, Shekata, Ranjani, Ranjangaon Khuri, In Gangapur Taluka southern and western boundary of Dhamori Br., western boundary of Antapur, Chandikpur, Tembhapuri southern boundary of Rahimpur, Sultanpur.
North — In Khultabad Taluka western and northern boundary of Mhaisamal, northern boundary of Lamangaon, Mamanapur, western and northern boundary of Viramgaon, northern boundary ofMatargaon, Mahamdpur, Wadod Kh. Yesgaon in Phulambri Taluka, western and northern boundary of Janephal, western and northern boundary of Wanegaon Bk., and Wanegaon Kh.,northern boundary of Pimpalgaon Dev, Mhasala, Phulambri, Daregaon, Dhamangaon, eastern boundary of Waghola, in Aurangabad Taluka eastern boundary of Donwada, Borwadi, northern boundary of Adgaon Sarak.
A copy of the Schedule Plan showing the Area and the Plan along with the boundaries of the
Notified Area is kept for inspection of public at the following offices, namely —
1) The Commissioner, Aurangabad Division, Aurangabad.
2) The Metropolitan Commissioner, Aurangabad Metropolitan Region development Authority, Aurangabad
3) The Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning, Aurangabad Division, Aurangabad.
GR for Aurangabad Metropolitan Development Authority.
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